Invited guests as panel
speakers included Mr Alan Vernon of the UNHCR, Mr Ahmad Fuad Rahmat of Projeck
Dialog & Islamic Renaissance Front, Dr Daniel Ho of Community
Excel Services and Ms Mary Pereira former project officer with Tenaganita.
Other guest included Datuk
Saifuddin Abdullah, Deputy Higher Education Minister, Datuk Vaithalingam former
Hindu Sangam President, Mr Andrew Khoo & Mr Yogeswaran Subramanium of the
Bar Council, Ms Tijah Yok Chopil of JKOASM, Ms Josie Fernandez of TI, Ms Elsie
Lee of the Malaysian Association of Social Workers, Mr Jerald Joseph of Dignity
International, Ms Lena Hendry of Komas, Mr Kon Onn Sein of YKPM & Mr Tan
Kong Beng of the Christian Federation of Malaysia.
In the course of the
discussion a number of key themes pertaining to human rights were highlighted
and discussed. These included:-
Firstly, that the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which was adopted on Dec 10, 1948 is the
most widely translated human rights document into 400 different languages and
which serves as the foundation or base or reference for all subsequent human
rights conventions, declaration, laws and instruments. Therefore both regional
and national status must be reviewed and interpreted on the basis of the UDHR.
Secondly, the Asean Human
Rights Declaration (AHRD) which was passed recently can be viewed as an
important mile stone in Asean development as there is now a common document and
stand among Asean members. However a number of concerns were expressed due to
the contextual interpretation and restrictions based on phrases like “in
accordance with national laws” and reference to “national security, public
order, public health, public safety, public morality” which is in contrast to
the UDHR. Furthermore, the rights of ‘indigenous people’ could have been
incorporated into article 4 of AHRD as they form a sizable part of the Asean
community like other vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Thirdly, Malaysia is
recognised as playing a very active role in promoting human rights overseas
especially in advocacy for the Palestine people, Rohingyans and in the role
Malaysia played in the peace accord in Mindanao. These with the efforts are commendable,
however they falls short at the domestic level in spite of recent legislative reform
efforts as they do not meet international standards and domestic expectations
of the citizenry.
Fourthly, the research
report entitled the “Washing the Tigers, Addressing discrimination &
inequality in Malaysia” produced by the Equal Rights Trust in partnership with
Tenaganita is an extensive research work which must be studies further and the
recommendation reviewed as its can be a useful resource in addressing discrimination
and inequality in Malaysian society from human rights and social justice
Fifthly, there is an urgent
need for Malaysia to improve its human rights track record domestically and
there is a need for a stronger political will to ensure this realisation.
In this context Proham makes
the following recommendations to the Federal government in order to consolidate
and institutionalised human rights in Malaysia society especially in 2013 and
Establish a Parliamentary standing committee
on human rights
Ratify core human rights conventions
especially the Convention on civil & political rights and the Convention of
economic & social rights. Also the Convention on the Elimination of Racial
Establish a Cabinet Committee on Human Rights
chaired by PM or DPM
Establish a special taskforce at the Secretary
to Government (KSN) level to ensure compliance. Ensure Suhakam is a member of
this taskforce as well as incorporate some leading human rights NGOs to also
assist the federal government
Make federal funds available to civil society
for human rights awareness & education, advocacy & research,
training & capability building
- Formulate
a Malaysia Human Rights Action Plan which will chart an action plan and time
Released on behalf of Proham by Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria, (Proham Secretary General)
December 11, 2012
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